Kazuki Takahashi is a renowned Japanese manga artist and game creator. He is best known for creating the popular manga series Yu-Gi-Oh!, which has spawned an anime series, numerous video games, and a trading card game. Takahashi has been highly influential in the manga and anime industry, and has been credited with launching the “duel monster” genre. In this article, we will take a look at Takahashi’s height, net worth, age, and wiki.
Kazuki Takahashi: Height
Kazuki Takahashi stands at 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm). He is of average height for a Japanese adult male. Takahashi is known for his signature look, which includes a long black coat, a pair of glasses, and a hat.
Kazuki Takahashi: Net Worth
Kazuki Takahashi’s net worth is estimated to be around $15 million. Takahashi has earned most of his wealth through the success of his manga series Yu-Gi-Oh!. The series has spawned numerous spin-off anime series, video games, and a trading card game.
Kazuki Takahashi: Age & Wiki
Kazuki Takahashi was born on April 4, 1965, in Japan. He is currently 55 years old. Takahashi is a graduate of Tokyo University of Arts. He has been working in the manga and anime industry since the late 1980s. His Wikipedia page has detailed information about his life and career.
Kazuki Takahashi is a renowned Japanese manga artist and game creator. He is best known for creating the popular manga series Yu-Gi-Oh!, which has spawned an anime series, numerous video games, and a trading card game. Takahashi stands at 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm), and his net worth is estimated to be around $15 million. He was born on April 4, 1965, and is currently 55 years old. Takahashi is a graduate of Tokyo University of Arts, and his Wikipedia page has detailed information about his life and career.