Nowadays, people are getting conscious about how they look. Wherein they would prefer to have a lower weight to look great and fit.
Healthy and fit figure all goes back to what we eat, therefore, we must be careful of what we take inside our body.
If you are conscious of your body figure, you might be opting to eat vegetables than meat but these vegetables can add to your weight:
6. Corn
2. Green Peas
Peas are rich in fiber in protein; this may control blood sugar levels and constipation but it also contains high amounts of carbohydrates. Avoid eating green peas everyday.
3. Squash
Belonging to the family that has high amounts of starch. Starch contributes to a higher intake of carbohydrates. Like potatoes, it is best to avoid this because it adds up to your weight.
4. Yam
This vegetable has a good taste but it is also a part of the starchy family that can potentially add to your weight.
5. Zucchini or Cucumber
One cucumber contains 80 calories compared to other vegetables having only 30 calories. Avoid this vegetable as soon as you can.
6. Corn
Containing starch, corn should be gone on your meal list. This may be added to your meal but not to much or not as an appetizer.
7. Beets
Rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin c; also has low level of fats making it cholesterol free. However, it has a high calorie content which aids in adding calories into your daily intake.
Watch out for the things you eat and tone down with the calorie intake if you would want to achieve your body goals. It takes self control to achieves one’s goal.